Monday, May 17, 2010

Facebook and Exes

It's really bizarre to watch the things you used to share with someone -- the stuff that made up their identity, and, for a while, your shared identity -- become part of someone new's identity.

I don't mean this in an woe-is-me, missing-an-ex kind of way. I'm best friends with an ex boyfriend of many years. Just remarking on how...odd, and easily accessible an ex's new relationship is when it's on Facebook.

It's almost funny, to see them slip into the same patterns, or to slowly share the same parts of themselves over time. Makes me wonder how well Facebook, etc, are documenting all of our lives.

Wonder what, say, your FB/Twitter statuses could say about how you are in relationships?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A meaningless post in which I capture something that made me laugh:

*Chris, of office mate and friend, gathers his stuff to leave the office*

Chris: Technically I should be here for 45 more minutes, but I'm going home.

Me: Office hours?

Chris: Yeah. Just tell them I --

Me: I will tell them you hate them. You love Nazis and you hate them.

Chris: Good. Clearly you know my priorities.

*Chris leaves*

I don't know why this makes me laugh so much. But it's Wednesday and I am losing my mind. :)