Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mage-Elf ftw.

I keep telling myself "somehow it will all get done." And I'm sure somehow it will. Though in the past week I have avoided the video game I should be playing -- the one I'm writing a seminar paper on and with which I will be applying to a snazzy conference -- in order to play video games with badass sci fi stories.

Now I have an magic/lore/dragons/neverseeyourfriendsagain game.

I believe Luna shares in my shame by sitting on my shoulder while I play.

(Edit: And I was never aware cats could have "bad angles." My god she looks fat in that picture...)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mint Ice Cream

Mint ice cream is about the only thing that's keeping me sane during the hullabaloo that is this quarter.

Also, I'm teaching my cat self-control.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I don't really have a blog.

I'm tired of posting to my articulate, oh-so-witty and academic friends' blogs under the nom de plume of "anonymous." So I made (kinda) this blog.

So there.