On a day when I’ve done little more than complain, I thought it might be nice to stop for a minute to write a…contemplative post. I was going to say “happier” post, but I don’t want to have to revise my claim once I’ve completed this; another instance of teaching one thing and practicing the other, I guess.
Luna is busy in a corner by her bed nosing at something, which I assume means there is an insanely large, ferocious spider crawling around my baseboards. It’s actually quite near my friend’s present that I have yet to give her, so she may have a spider trapeze onto her upon opening it. Happy birthday, indeed!
Okay, okay, happier note: I came home frustrated and overwhelmed after a day of working non-stop without any major results and unearthed some tea that I'd forgotten I owned. It, in combination with my beloved Corningware kettle—a gesture toward the one my parents have had for years—and my newly retrieved, hand-painted mug(!) looked a bit too darling next to my new colander, so I had to take a picture. As my mom, or someone, has said my entire life, “It’s the small things that count,” and today this little moment is worth more than I can imagine.
The spider seems to have fled to the bookshelf. Back to work!